Hi, I’m Bob Hilke, and this is my wife Laurel. We are excited to share our business with you because at Hilke Enterprises, LLC we have some innovative products and services to help improve lifestyle and wellness.

I began an internet business years ago selling yard equipment… wood chippers, lawn mowers, mulchers, trimmers, bird feeders and the likes. It proved to be an interesting and fun experience for learning the world of internet marketing. Several years later, I learned of these remarkable alkaline water machines which had been around since 1974 in Japan, but no one in the USA understood what they did because the literature was in Japanese. It did not take me long to realize what an amazing product it was, and it resonated deeply with me since my degree is Nutritional Sciences. I instantly knew these alkaline water ionizers would be a huge health and wellness product here in the USA and other countries around the world once people learned what they do. Also, I had worked in the water purification industry a number of years and already knew much about the seemingly unsolvable problems of our drinking water… municipal water, well water, bottled water, etc. Today, VeryHealthyWater® is the “healthy water” component of our business, and we have helped literally hundreds of families around the globe fill their homes with the most amazing drinking water. The United States Patent Office recently honored us by registering the VeryHealthyWater trademark.

Besides drinking the best water Planet Earth can deliver, there’s a lot more wonderful ways to help improve health and wellness with nutrition practices and products that supplement a person’s efforts for living a long and full life. I have a passion for sharing some of my nutritional expertise with others. To simplify my efforts, I created the VeryHealthyBody.com website to consolidate and organize nutrition resources I found myself frequently sharing with friends and acquaintances. The vision of this endeavor has expanded, and VeryHealthyBody recently became our latest DBA. The VeryHealthyBody.com website will focus on sharing information from leading industry experts on many health topics currently impacting our population’s wellness such as diabetes, insulin resistance, and metabolic disease. I’ll also use this website to offer up some amazing nutrition products I use myself to stay as youthful and healthy as possible and which I recommend to my friends.

Also part of Hilke Enterprises, LLC is healthcare consulting. I spent over 31 years working in many important roles at the nation’s largest health and wellness company which is now in the #4 position on the Fortune list by revenue. I’m continuing to leverage my many years of industry insider experience, consulting to help companies cut their employee healthcare benefit costs in HALF and provide better healthcare with better health outcomes that employees LOVE.

Premier Alignment Consulting targets companies of 50 to 2,000 employees. These companies are looking for ways to cut costs, and they find it difficult to offer the level of healthcare benefits they know their employees want. Our consulting results in Better Healthcare, Happier Employees, at Half the Cost. The cost savings apply to both the company and its employees. And employees love our model of healthcare so much that the company can leverage healthcare as a strategy to attract and retain top talent.

AffordableFamilyHealthcare is our DBA that provides an affordable subscription for primary and preventative healthcare to individuals, families, and small businesses — this helps fill a gap for families caught up in the out-of-control spiraling costs of high-deductible health insurance plans, and can provide small businesses a great employee benefit when they can’t afford to offer a full traditional healthcare program.

Cutting the cost of healthcare in half and providing better access and improved health outcomes is an important mission in light of the current state of healthcare in America!

Thank you for your interest in how we are trying to make the world a better place.