Bob Hilke

Bob Hilke Jr

Let’s Align Healthcare to Work for You!

I’m a healthcare industry insider, having worked more than 30 years at the nation’s largest health insurance company, now #4 on the Fortune list by revenue.

Business owners and executives are not aware of all the healthcare options available for their employee benefits, and unless you have an expert advising you, you are paying too much.

Cut Your Employee Healthcare Benefit Costs in Half!

Healthcare is the 2nd largest corporate expense in America. Cut that in half and you might just double your company’s profit margin. On average, companies are paying nearly $14,000 per employee per year for healthcare benefits. Incremental to the company’s cost, employees are contributing to premiums, deductibles and copays. Healthcare costs rise every year. Everyone just keeps paying paying paying toward healthcare premiums. And when you need to use your healthcare insurance, you have to pay even more in deductibles and copays.

I’m advising CEOs, CFOs, HR Executives, and Business Owners on how to cut their healthcare costs to HALF that of traditional healthcare, while providing a comprehensive healthcare benefit program where employees no longer have to pay toward premiums, and they have no deductibles or copays to see their doctor.

Small and Medium Businesses Can Get Big Business Benefits

Big Businesses Enjoy Low-cost Healthcare

  • Large corporations of 2,000+ employees hire consultants to streamline corporate costs.
  • Big companies self-insure to leverage huge cash-pay discounts.
  • Consultants advise on other cost-saving techniques.

Small and Medium Businesses Struggle to Provide Affordable Employee Healthcare

  • Small and Medium businesses of 50-2,000 employees don’t know all the options available in the marketplace.
  • They don’t think they can self-insure… they believe it is too risky or too complicated.
  • They struggle to offer good healthcare benefits because they they need to carefully manage costs.
  • No one is advising them on their options and helping them implement cost-effective healthcare.
  • Their employees help pay premiums, and often have high-deductible health plans and copays.
  • They use high-cost fully-insured health plans, and miss out on important cost-saving techniques.

Premier Alignment: Better Healthcare – Happier Employees – Half the Cost

  • Once a company gets to 50 employees, they have all the options available to them that big companies have.
  • No one has ever told them how to do what the big business companies are doing to cut healthcare costs.
  • Companies with 50-2,000 employees represent nearly 50% of the workforce, and they struggle to cut costs.
  • We help small and medium businesses self-insure and leverage other big cost-saving techniques.
  • We help them set up a comprehensive healthcare program employees LOVE.
  • Employees no longer pay premiums, and they no longer have deductibles or copays to see their doctor.
  • We teach CEOs how to leverage healthcare as a strategy rather than a purchase that needs to be made.
  • Not doing anything new… disrupting an industry that isn’t doing what we know how to help companies do!

Let’s Transform Your Healthcare Program Today!

Schedule a free Premier Alignment Strategy Session with me and learn about an exciting way to transform your healthcare!

Schedule a Premier Alignment Strategy Session
Premier Alignment Consulting

Meet Darrell Moon, Premier Alignment’s CEO, lead consultant, and author of Make Healthcare Work for You.

Darrell Moon's new book, Make Healthcare Work For You

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If you consult with business owners or executives on revenue-generating or cost-saving strategies, schedule a discussion to inquire about our strategic partnership program.