AffordableFamilyHealthcare is a DBA entity of Hilke Enterprises, LLC.
Healthcare today is anything but affordable. Employees pay toward health insurance premiums, and then when they need to use their insurance they need to pay deductibles and copays. They keep paying more and more to use their healthcare benefits. How do young families afford to see their doctor?
AffordableFamilyHealthcare helps put “affordable” back into healthcare for families!
Thanks to a special collaboration between Orriant and Nice Healthcare, there is an innovative new healthcare program called Orriant Life available to families and small businesses that is a subscription to preventative and primary care. Hilke Enterprises, LLC, via its DBA AffordableFamilyHealthcare, is a consultant of Orriant Life offering discounted subscription pricing.
Orriant Life is much more than just a subscription to see a doctor, and the pricing makes this subscription an excellent gap-filler for families with high-deductible health plans:
- Primary Care: Unlimited In-home and Virtual Primary Care, plus Free Labs, X-rays and EKGs from
the convenience of your own home. - Regular In-Person Award-winning Virtual Coaching: to help you live life to its fullest.
- Mental Health: Virtual video visits with licensed Mental Health Therapists.
- Physical Therapy: Virtual video visits with licensed Physical Therapists.
- Prescriptions: Standard Rx plus over 550 free meds from your pharmacy or mailed to your home.
The cost?… less than the cost of one meal per day for one person, and this covers an entire family!
No deductible. No copay. No out of pocket to see your doctor or to receive the services mentioned above. And, for families that live in the full service areas, the doctor may come to your house or office.
See details at our website:
- – See offer specs and pricing, and get discounted pricing.