VeryHealthyBody is a DBA entity of Hilke Enterprises, LLC

America is unhealthy. Half the U.S. adult population is diabetic or pre-diabetic. Adults and youth alike are obese like never before. Chronic health conditions plague our adult population. Cardiovascular disease is the #1 killer, and most people who suffer with the disease are unaware. Half those people will never know they had the problem because their first heart attack is their grand finale entrance to the life beyond mortality.

The medical industry is trained to prescribe. The medical industry is invented by Big Pharma to prescribe. Medical doctors receive little to no training in Nutritional Sciences. This problem has set up the medical profession to miss an important opportunity to treat and heal their patients with safe, healthy, natural approaches available to help many conditions. Instead, they prescribe, prescribe, prescribe.

VeryHealthyBody exists to help promote the concept that a Venn diagram of Medicine and Nutrition should have a big overlap… much more overlap than currently exists. VeryHealthyBody’s mission is to help people — patients and their doctors — learn there are many science-based approaches to solve chronic health conditions that are more natural and nutrition-based rather than only RX prescription-based. VeryHealthyBody’s mission includes helping promote the idea to try Nutrition 1st, Medicine 2nd whenever feasible since a nutrition-based approach is usually more root-cause focused and has less potential for negative side affects than drugs. features lectures, podcasts, and videos of medical doctors, nutritionists, research scientists, university professors, and other health professionals who share expertise in their respective fields of study. As the website content continues to mature, visitors will be able to use the website like a database or library of health and wellness expertise provided by industry leading experts, to supplement and enhance the guidance offered by individuals’ medical doctors. It is intended not to replace medical doctors and their guidance… rather to provide additional considerations in light of the greatly advancing knowledge base of Nutritional Sciences and related alternative health considerations that may prove helpful to those searching to improve their health and wellness.

Considerable focus will be provided to the big killer diseases including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and metabolic disease. Indeed, metabolic wellness is key to solving most of the major killer conditions, and today we have wonderful expert scientists exposing many important problems in our diet that lead to metabolic disease, and these experts offer great actionable advice for how to improve metabolic health to improve a person’s odds of living a long and healthy life.

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